
Crossword Solvers Leaderboard

Recent Solves
Date Name Puzzle Score
3/17/2025 Malachi Danganronpa 1m 57s
3/13/2025 Zach Legion of Stationery paper Mario: the origami king 2m 40s
3/13/2025 Zack Fire Emblem: Three Houses 3m 59s
3/11/2025 dylan A REALLY COOL NINJAGO CROSSWORD 2m 21s
3/11/2025 dylan Ninjago crossword puzzle (Season 1 to 9) 1m 46s
3/11/2025 dylan Ninjago 1m 5s
3/10/2025 Maddie One Tree Hill (characters) 2m 50s
2/11/2025 Vee Kuroko no basket 5m 19s
2/9/2025 Nobody Mastery items/tools/recpies/machines 10m 31s
1/28/2025 Gerard Way My Chemical Romance Crossword 7m 13s

Fastest Solves This Month (Easy)
Date Name Puzzle Score

Fastest Solves This Month (Normal)
Date Name Puzzle Score

Fastest Solves This Month (Hard)
Date Name Puzzle Score
3/11/2025 dylan Ninjago 1m 5s
3/11/2025 dylan Ninjago crossword puzzle (Season 1 to 9) 1m 46s
3/17/2025 Malachi Danganronpa 1m 57s
3/11/2025 dylan A REALLY COOL NINJAGO CROSSWORD 2m 21s
3/13/2025 Zach Legion of Stationery paper Mario: the origami king 2m 40s

Most Popular Crosswords
Crossword # Plays
The Vampire Diaries 51,195
Disney #3 40,924
Percy Jackson 19,180
Name The Taylor Swift Song 18,150
Harry Potter characters #11 17,631
Supernatural :) 15,408
Greys Anatomy :) 14,437
Twilight Crossword! 13,382
Disney World 13,319
The Walking Dead 12,581
Disney Villains 11,928
Pokemon 11,392
Pretty Little Liars 11,293
Hockey 11,208
FRIENDS tv show quotes 11,104
spongebob 10,533
DISNEY 10,522

Most Puzzles Solved
Name #
tasos 200
haplo 199
annatjie 153
pokemonrulz 131
twilightlover15 93
Frank 90
alienols 89
leostar14 81
twilightgirl 80
twilight17 55

Most Puzzles Created
Name #
ioustinapoutana 55
admin 51
puzzable 50
alienols 48
clara1213 47
wweredwings5 40
leostar14 35
tsarmstrong 29
iceegirl831 28
anfisica 25
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