
Alex Rider:Stormbreaker

Only after his uncle, Ian Rider, Dies mysteriously in a car crash, does Alex begin to wonder the identity of the man who had looked after him since he was orphaned as a baby. Alex's preliminary investigations, which scared the life out of me, soon, draw the attention of his uncle's former employers - none other than MI6. They've have a mission for Alex. M16 is a spy organization of England, throughout his life his uncle has trained him to be a spy his whole now is the chance to test the skills he’s acknowledged. Project STORMBREAKER IS WHAT HE HAS TO FACE.I choose to make a crossword puzzle. the CROSSWORD puzzle is mostly about the characters.They are challenging that's why i chose to do one.they are fun too.
Created by 1234567890
Difficulty: Hard (1 solves / 1578 plays)
The fastest solve for this crossword was 85.4 seconds by dylan


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